Today I did a project in Cakewalk's SONAR with Reason, and the bass, and the guitar, and the mic, and the keyboard.. so basically everything I have. It was the first time I used all that stuff together without a hitch and felt comfortable switching between Reason and SONAR and tweaking things. I ended up having fun with the drums and for some reason a death metal vibe kinda came out of that and I decided to follow suit with my voice. It is kinda goofy but it is the product of today's experimenting, so I shall post it here.
We are the last men on earth [MP3 2.97MB]
Posted by dkordik at February 23, 2007 11:05 AMvideo idea: big room, two of you in the background with guitars motionless other than playing, one saying one the other saying two, and then up pops another one of you in the foreground singing the last men part jonathon davis style into a mic
Posted by: malliio at February 23, 2007 1:29 PMHey i like this. That is a FAT bass sound. Is that your bass through some effects or is that a synth bass or what? Its reaaaaaaaaally nice.
Posted by: matty at February 23, 2007 11:59 PMboth the bass and guitar get their guitarrig effects. what you mainly hear as the bass line is actually a guitar on pedaloids. there is a bass there too but the guitar kinda masks it.
Posted by: dk at February 24, 2007 6:18 AM