Big fan of track two, 900 man.
Reminded me a bit of Kansas's "Magnum Opus" off their Leftoverture album. I don't know why since it's really not even close to the same, but it's definitely a good thing.
Posted by: Neil at May 5, 2008 12:04 AMAlbum art, sweet dude!
So I audioscrobbled it as I listened, and then I thought I'd search for it on to see who else be listening to it now, and it turns out there's another 'QRS' band out there. And they apparently play girly-rock. That's okay, I also play girly-rock.
That got me thinking - is anyone stealing my name (or vice versa), and does anyone other than me and my five friends listen to me? So I did a search for Conrad - and oh boy Houston we have a problem. There's another Conrad out there - I guess that shouldn't come as much of a surprise. But its wiiiiieeerdd!! Now what am I gonna do? I can't find a website or contact info or anything for these folks. Are they still a band? WHO KNOWS?? The cd claimed to be release/available through Indie Pool, but doesn't list them anymore. This is a pickle.
Anyway, I like the two new songs, moreso #2. But I would say they're both a major step forward for you. A little bit longer than the others, and you're really playing with what the synth can do more than before... #1 has great pitch bend / portamento stuff, and #2 is sooo glitchy!! I love it. More glitch-rock.
Posted by: mattg at May 5, 2008 1:19 PM#1 reminded me of being alone, but being totally okay with it. Being solitary, but not in a sad way. And looking at something like a grassy cliff next to the ocean or something.
#2 messed with my brain and my tapping toe but was very addictive.
Posted by: Julia at May 8, 2008 1:34 PM