January 11, 2007

Sector 8

Today's music industry lesson:
Leak your album a few months before the new year, then release it near the beginning of the year. This just may be the secret formula for maximizing the time your album seems "new". Take notes, big music.

Today's song:
This one is called Sector 8. It is either a droning hypnotizer or a backdrop for some live jamming. I've attempted to arrange it so that it somewhat stands alone as a song. Hey look, song-a-week! I wonder how long that will keep up... Anyway. For this one I suggest you listen on a device that knows what bass is. Go for it.

Sector 8 (MP3, 2.5 MB)

Posted by dkordik at 12:33 PM | Comments (3)

January 5, 2007

Lit wick (FST/PST)

I've decided that it's time to make a blog for musical clips or songs I decide to expose to the world. So here we are. End blog introduction.

Lately I've been learning and playing with Propellerheads Reason. I absolutely love it. It is the first software I feel comfortable making my own drum tracks in that isn't Fruity Loops. Not that I'm gonna be joining the ranks of Richard D. James any time soon, but hey, I can do simple stuff! For example, look at this little piece of track that I got into my head on the way home from seeing Wicked in Chicago. The drums are simple as can be.

Lit wick (MP3, 1.8 MB)

Posted by dkordik at 6:36 AM | Comments (2)