The first two tracks were conceived for cello in the shower, but then my trusty graintable synths came into the picture (at the 1:35 minute mark) and it took a different form.
This post seems kinda empty with only the one file, should I post a song at a time or large chunks of songs more spaced out like the last post from now on? Also, feedback/criticism is encouraged always. Thanks.
I reformatted this month and have been working out Vista issues with all the pro-audio stuff, so I haven't been able to do a whole lot of songs lately. But here are some things I was playing with before the reformat that won't (hopefully) hurt your ears, so that June 07 doesn't end up an empty month on the blog. This stuff is from late May and early June.
druks [2:37] (whipped up after a night at elmhurst public house, dollar pitchers)
absent [3:00] (a concept that got cut off, and I lost the good take somewhere! this one is a bit rushed, look for a better one in the future.)
prelm [1:47] (slide fest)
fish-1 [2:43] (fischerspooner octave stylings)
some eer 7 [2:08] (yes, seven, as in the seventh 'some eer'. I just kept opening a new project when I started to stagnate.)
some eer 8 [0:40] (not even worth trying to form, but still a fun lil one)
some eer A1 [0:33] (ditto)
desc [2:46] (the only SONAR project of the bunch, because most of my SONAR projects suck too much to hear. hmm, maybe this is no exception.)
Oh, except for this. I did this next one today. It's called fingerbeat because I did the beat with my hands and I was trying to recreate it as best I could. Anyways, if you made it this far, thanks for checking this stuff out and I hope to hear some feedback!
fingerbeat1 [3:55] (a potential backing for something)